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Christy McCranie Hemphill month of July photo winner

Christy sent us her photo showing an apparition of one of the child ghosts at St. Augustine Lighthouse park. This photo can be seen on our fb page and the amazing story of how she and her husband interacted with the famous child girl ghosts at the park. Please check out our fb to see the picture. For some reason we can not presently post pictures here in our web-site blog anymore. As the monthly winner Christy wins a brand new K2 EMF meter. Congrats and thanks Christy! To enter our monthly photo contest – please send in a photo taken on one of our St. Augustine ghost tours or from one of the haunted sites that we visit on our tours. Our email is and you can also send the photo through facebook. We are looking for evidence…

Child ghosts interaction at playground on the Everdark Express tour

Child ghosts played with our tour guests! Christy McCranie Hemphill contacting us this month retelling the experience and sharing the photo. This is what she and her husband experienced on our Everdark Express SS ghost tour at St. Augustine Lighthouse Park in April of 2015 at about 2 am. “We played chase with the girl ghosts and we could hear their footsteps running around. We could hear them even when we all stood still. We asked them if they wanted to be pushed on the swings and the swings would start to move by themselves! We could feel their weight as we pushed them. While my husband pushed one and I the other we heard the footsteps of a third one that ran up to me and touched me! We felt a very happy feeling. But when we said goodnight…

Ghost of Tim tells us his age on the Dead Walk this past week

On the Dead Walk Tour this past week, our guide was using the P-SB7 (spirit voice box that transmits voices of ghosts) at the famously haunted old Antique store. There is a child ghost named Tim that our ghost tour group was interacting with and he was asked how old he is and the entire group could clearly hear a boy’s voice coming through saying “eight”! If you want to experience the ghosts of St. Augsutine, you will optimize your chances of experiencing them for real on our tours since paranormal phenomena and close ghost encounters happens frequently on our haunted tours. The P-SB7 Spirit Box can be bought at our web-site  and also at our main store at 162 St. George Street, Ste 19.   There is a link to our online ghost shop at top of the…

Ghost shuts off the lights at closed off haunted top floor

Recently on our Dead Walk tour:  At the former Ponce de Leon Hotel  our guide  spots the top floor lights turned on. This is an area that is closed off due to the paranormal activity on that floor. As she tells this to the tour group that those lights should not be on and that floor is not accessible – the lights turns off at once!  Amazing stuff happens all the time on our tours! The former Ponce de Leon is since 1968 Flagler College. It was completed in 1888 and a project by Henry Flagler. It was the first first luxury hotel and resort in Florida and Mr. Flagler brought down the railroad here so that the rich and famous could come down here and spend the winter season in Florida’s mild climate. He continued to build the railroad…

Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellency for 2016 received

Happy to announce that we have received Tripadvisor’s Certificate of Excellency 2016 for our awesome ghost tours of St. Augustine! Thanks to all our tour guides and store staff for their great performances and also thanks so much to our guests!

Latest activity inside the haunted Antique Shop

In the haunted building on our Haunted St. Augustine – Paranormal Investigative tour this past week, our guide Rick asked the spirits in the back record room if they could trigger the REM-POD to make sounds and very soon it went off making non-stop noise for quite awhile. The P-SB7 Spirit Box was on to transmit spirit voices (EVP) and after REM-POD stopped making noise, two ladies on the tour introduced themselves to the ghosts and soon after their names came through on the P-SB7. Rick asked how many spirits were there and right after “three” came through on the P-SB7. (Post date June 18, 2016).

Child ghost playing at the St. Augustine Lighthouse park

The date was 6-6-16 and it happened on the Everdark Express Shadow Shuttle tour. GhoSt Augustine tour guide Matt describes the haunted activity:  At the Lighthouse park, a lady on the tour passed under a massive oak tree branch and she could feel her hair lifted up with a bit of a pull. Shortly after, at the playground 1 of the swings bagged down in the middle as if someone sat on it. And then it began to swing, just a few inches. It was enough to be noticeable though and it went on for three to four minutes. The tour guests and Matt attempted to film the action but none of their cams would function. Their cams had worked perfectly a little shortly before. Interesting is that it is well documented for spirits to be fuel up on energy…

This was not a spider

Ahhhh, she screamed inside the haunted building. What made her scream was a light touch to her foot. She described that if felt as if her foot was was wrapped in spiderweb. Then it felt like it had a light burn on her skin. Our guide turned on the lights and her ankle looked like it was bruised. It clearly was red. No spider web – insects or any other explanation could be made. There was no mark as if she had been bitten by an insect. The redness disappeared later that same night after she left the building. Right before she felt this thing on her ankle, her sister-in-law had put her engagement ring on the table and asked if the ghost could make it turn. It did! It turned about half a turn and all the K2 EMF…

15 years since GhoSt Augustine's doors opened May 25th 2001

Today it’s 15 years since GhoSt Augustine opened for business! The tours will be running as usual, but between 4-7:30 pm our main store will be closed between 4-7:30 pm since we are having a small celebration among the staff. Who was the first person that came in to the store at the original 123 St. George Street store? I don’t know his name but I was happy that someone finally did enter since I had had the door open for hours without a single person coming in. There was a person standing just outside the store and I bated him with that he would make history if he just walked over that threshold. He walked over the threshold and then out again. Pretty anticlimactic. But he broke the ice and got the party started! The sale finally came for…

Ghost says hi and gives a personal good bye greeting caught on EVP

On the Haunted St. Augustine tour inside the Antique shop in the backroom – the closet / storage area – our Guide Rick and the tour group used the P-SB7 and a Voice Recorder to catch EVP’s and there’s a girl named Morgan in the tour group. It sounds like a voice is coming through saying it’s name is Everett (sounds like) and then when the group greets him he responds ‘Hi!” and Morgan says in the end “It was nice talking to you” and a response is recorded on the Voice Recorder that comes through as ” And you Mooorgaaan”. Morgan took a selfie and there is a strange mist across her face and one can make out two faces in front of her and one it looks like he is wearing a hood – like   munks used…

Mysterious scratch marks

Tour guest’s leg mysteriously scratched on our Everdark Express tour. This happened this past Saturday. First he felt something brushing against his leg and then a burning feeling on his leg. When he looked there were 3 long scratches on his leg. It is generally believed to be representing a mocking of the holy trinity. A couple of weeks ago our tour guide Davis also received these 3 scratches on his leg – but higher up – on his thigh.These 3 scratch marks also appeared after first feeling a burning feeling. He also felt something putting pressure on his shoulders as he was sitting down doing an Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) session. Like someone was leaning on him – pushing him down in the chair. Both these scratchings happened inside the 2nd haunted building on the Everdark Express. If you…

Everdark Express Shadow Shuttle activity

Recently on the Everdark Express: One girl got a light push in her back inside the upstairs of the haunted pub – no one was close behind her. Another girl felt like it was burning on her arm and rolled back her long sleeve. Under our tour guide’s flashlight 3 scratches were revealed running far up her arm. These girls also felt heavy pressure over their chests. Same night on the same tour, but the midnight departure one, at the Haunted Antique store a man got chest pain and headache as soon as he entered the back room. Each time he went out of the back room – the symptoms were gone.

From $24

Get to hear the stories of the forgotten, oldest, darkest, and most dead part of the town! We will be touring — rain or shine — for a good amount of time, so make sure you wear comfortable shoes ready for running away from ghosts. Book online!