William Darrel Lindsey: The Dark History of Crazy Bill

Homegrown Serial Killer
The Ancient City, which is peppered with ghost stories and a plentitude of haunted sites, has its share of dark secrets- including a homegrown serial killer. William Darrell Lindsey, known as “Crazy Bill,” Lindsey’s crimes sent waves of terror through town in the 1980s and 1990s. Read on to learn more about Crazy Bill- St. Augustine’s serial killer.
Life of Crazy Bill
William Darrel Lindsey was born William Armstrong Jr. on May 18 1935 in Palatka, about 30 miles Southeast of St. Augustine. When he was just a few months old, Lindsey’s parents were killed in a car accident- Lindsey himself was found wedged in the seats of the car, and was relatively unharmed. He was adopted by the Lindsey family shortly after, and he lived with his adoptive parents and siblings. He suffered abuse at the hands at his adoptive mother, and didn’t learn about his true origins until he was in his early 20s. He would torture cats through his childhood, and once set fire to a hut other children built. He later married and had several children. His killing spree didn’t begin until he was in his fifties. His childhood home is a stop on our Dead Walk tour.
Crimes, Capture, and Conviction
Lindsey’s reign of terror primarily occurred during the 1980s and 1990s. He was convicted of the murder total of eight women- seven in St. Augustine, and one in North Carolina. His victims were primarily women looking for “dates”, and he killed them in sadistic and brutal ways, including bludgeoning, torture, and gunshots. He was arrested in North Carolina after a taxi driver saw the final victim enter a trailer with him on the night of her murder. He was soon brought back to Florida, where he was convicted of the seven women in St. Augustine was sentenced to 30 years in prison on May 21st, 1999. He died in prison in 2001 from cancer.
Haunting Legacy
The story of William Darrel Lindsey is a grim reminder that even sleepy seaside towns can harbor dark secrets, and St. Augustine is no exception. The legacy of Crazy Bill is just one dark story among many in the Ancient City, the most haunted city in the United States. Explore more on our Dead Walk, ride with us in our Shadow Ride or Everdark Express, or explore the haunted Dixie House to uncover secrets of your own!