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Lots of paranormal activity on the Everdark Express

We continue to have a lot of activity happening inside the 2 haunted buildings we enter on the Everdark Express Shadow Shuttle. On this riding ghost tour of St. Augustine our guests hear the stories of those 2 haunted buildings, a less visited kind of forgotten old cemetery, and the park at the St. Augustine Lighthouse. The tour guests also get to use a K2 EMF meter during the entire tour and the guide will show them various paranormal techniques and use equipment such as the P-SB7 Spirit Box for live EVP transmission. This is not a full fledged paranormal investigation. It is primarily a tour of these haunted sites and the true stories of their haunted history and what we have experienced out of the ordinary on the tours. For investigations of the 2 buildings we offer what we call ParaForce Investigations. Call us for more details. We also have the Haunted St. Augustine – a tour that introduces the guests to Paranormal Investigative techniques and the use of ones senses. The H.S.A. is a walking tour to the north side of town and currently enters one haunted building. We continually post on our fb page photos and videos and stories of what happens on our tours. Please follow us on fb for the latest updates!

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