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November 2024 Parapic Winner!

A guest this past November joined us for the Original Haunted Pub Tour for an evening of ghost stories, drinks, and fun. During one of the stops at one of the more haunted pubs, his companion snapped a photo of him standing on the stairs- and a surprising image appears in a framed picture to his right.

This image has created a lot of discussion on our social media. Thoughts and opinions on this photo are split. Some feel it’s paranormal, and others think it could be a reflection of the man’s shirt, and a few thinking it could be a reflection of a living person’s face.

Spirits are thought to be able to manifest themselves in a variety of ways, not just as a self contained entity. Some believe that spirits can manipulate the world around them to appear to the living, using what’s available. While it is possible that the image is a reflection of the man’s shirt, it’s also possible that the arrangement of the shirt to appear in shocking detail of a human face could be intentional.

This is the reason that this photo is declared the winner of the November Parapic Contest- not because it’s definite proof of the paranormal, but because it fosters a wider discussion of how the paranormal can appear to different people, and how skeptics and believers alike can discuss this topic together.

a person standing in front of a stagea person standing on a stage a person standing on a stage

Congratulations to the winner, we hope to host you again soon!

Want to join on the spooky fun? Join us for a tour or investigation and enter your photo for a chance to win!

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